Teaching Staff | Laboratory of Sedimentology
Teaching Staff
Avramidis Paul | Assitant Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996 163

Avramidis Paul
appointment: Assitant Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
office: 109
(+30) 2610 996 163 | p.avramidis_at_upatras.gr
Zelilidis Abraham | Professor | General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics | (+30) 2610 996272
Zelilidis Abraham
appointment: Professor
sector: General, Marine Geology and Geodynamics
quick_cv: Basin analysis, Petroleum Geology.
office: 110
(+30) 2610 996272 | A.Zelilidis_at_upatras.gr